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Nirwah Nicknames - Nicknames for Nirwah

Nirwah nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Nirwah Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Nirwah include: Wahni, Nirwa, Niri, Riwah, Ahni, and Wahy.

Used for
both boys and girls

Nirwah Name Details

Learn more about the name Nirwah including its meaning, history, and more.

Nuwair (NOO-ware)
Tenen (ten-EN)
Pouneh (poo-neh)
Sashekala (sah-SHEH-kuh-luh)
Pitanila (pi-ta-nee-la)
Ravichandrika (rah-vee-CHAHN-dree-kah)
Muath (moo-ath)
Watkin (WAHT-kin)
Bhaarati (bhaa-raa-tee)
Manasa (ma-NAH-sa)
Marala (mah-RAH-lah)
Omaja (oh-MAH-jah)