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Nigaresh Nicknames - Nicknames for Nigaresh

Nigaresh nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Nigaresh Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Nigaresh include: Niggybear, Nigo, Niggy, Nigster, Nigi, and Nigar.

Used for
no specific usage

Nigaresh Name Details

Learn more about the name Nigaresh including its meaning, history, and more.

Marahat (Ma-raa-haat)
Seshan (se-SHAN)
Sukhendu (sook-en-doo)
Tanvisha (tahn-VEE-sha)
Shibaa (shi-baa)
Paulla (paw-la)
Damsaaz (dahm-saaz)
Vasantham (vuh-sahn-thuhm)
Balastha (buh-LAH-sthah)
Bhargava (bahr-guh-vah)
Mukundi (moo-KOON-dee)
Swarnalata (svar-na-LA-ta)