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Neelja Nicknames - Nicknames for Neelja

Neelja nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Neelja Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Neelja include: Neeli, Neelu, Neelju, and Neel.

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Neelja Name Details

Learn more about the name Neelja including its meaning, history, and more.

Sharad (shuh-RAHD)
Kunal (koo-NAHL)
Ikvala (eek-vah-lah)
Hudd (HUHD)
Duamah (doo-AH-mah)
Vinoo (vi-NOO)
Trilokva (tri-lok-va)
Cherette (shuh-ret)
Qataq (Ka-tak)
Thiruvalluvar (thee-roo-VAHL-oo-var)
Weza (weh-zah)
Riny (RIH-nee)