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Nawibii Nicknames - Nicknames for Nawibii

Nawibii nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Nawibii Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Nawibii include: Nawibster, and Iibiwan.

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Nawibii Name Details

Learn more about the name Nawibii including its meaning, history, and more.

Kiranmoyi (kee-ran-moy-ee)
Snehasis (sneh-HAA-sees)
Mysha (MEE-sha)
Nishika (ni-shee-ka)
Roudabeh (ROO-duh-beh)
Urvi (oor-vee)
Ifterasham (IFF-ter-AH-sham)
St (Unknown)
Kupaya (koo-PAH-yah)
Saradambal (suh-rah-dam-bahl)
Uzafir (oo-zah-feer)
Aravaanan (uh-ruh-vah-nuhn)