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Munia Nicknames - Nicknames for Munia

Munia nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Munia Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Munia include: Nia, Muni, Mun, and Mia.

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Munia Name Details

Learn more about the name Munia including its meaning, history, and more.

Dharmender (dahr-men-der)
Sushuti (su-shoo-tee)
Taheerah (tah-HEE-rah)
Abaid (ah-BEYD)
Deekshana (dee-kshuh-nuh)
Palang (pah-LANG)
Yusha (YOO-shah)
Umaa (OO-mah)
Adilah (ah-DEE-lah)
Fuhad (foo-haad)
Shashibhusan (shah-shee-boo-sahn)
Trinnity (tri-NI-tee)