Mruthula Nicknames - Nicknames for Mruthula

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Mruthula Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Mruthula include: Lala, Mru, Thulz, Thula, and Ruth.

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Mruthula Name Details

Learn more about the name Mruthula including its meaning, history, and more.

Kusumavati (Koo-SOO-mah-vah-tee)
Ericc (EH-rik)
Premlata (prem-LAH-tah)
Lehar (LAY-har)
Driga (dree-gah)
Abdun (ab-doon)
Surendran (suh-ren-drahn)
Bhagananda (buh-guh-nahn-dah)
Fazarat (Fuh-zuh-rat)
Kunum (kuh-NOOM)
Remitha (reh-mee-thah)
Mick (mik)