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Mordecai Nicknames - Nicknames for Mordecai

Mordecai nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Mordecai Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Mordecai include: Cai, Remy, Mordy, Dee Dee, and Mor.

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Mordecai Name Details

Learn more about the name Mordecai including its meaning, history, and more.

Malti (MAHL-tee)
Arohi (uh-roh-hee)
Daagh (dahg)
Fatim (FAH-teem)
Farwa (FAHR-wah)
Nirmanyu (neer-MAHN-yoo)
Anoral (uh-NAWR-uhl)
Homayoon (ho-ma-YOON)
Subha (suh-ba)
Kuppuswamy (koop-poo-swah-mee)
Bratati (bruh-tuh-tee)
Vidyacharan (vi-dya-cha-ran)