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Mifzal Nicknames - Nicknames for Mifzal

Mifzal nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Mifzal Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Mifzal include: Miz, Miffy, Mif, Mifzie, Mifzi, Mizal, and Mizzy.

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Mifzal Name Details

Learn more about the name Mifzal including its meaning, history, and more.

Feetin (FEE-tin)
Benett (bih-NET)
Briony (BRYE-uh-nee)
Bhadrakapil (buh-drah-kah-peel)
Carrson (KAHR-suhn)
Gajagamini (guh-juh-guh-mee-nee)
Agyey (ag-yey)
Madhulata (muh-dhoo-LAH-tah)
Khaibershaikan (khai-ber-shai-kan)
Prital (PREE-tahl)
Vartan (vahr-TAHN)
Franklyn (FRANK-lin)