Mansour Nicknames - Nicknames for Mansour

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Mansour Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Mansour include: Manso, Mans, Manny, Mansy, Oury, Manno, and Soury.

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Mansour Name Details

Learn more about the name Mansour including its meaning, history, and more.

Dianne (DYE-an)
Ashmitha (ahsh-MEE-thah)
Jasvinder (jahz-VIN-duhr)
Sanad (sa-NAHD)
Junnut (juh-nuht)
Searria (seh-ree-ah)
Anupallavi (ah-noo-PAL-uh-vee)
Surabhu (soo-rah-BOO)
Whitaker (WYE-tay-kur)
Mahanand (mah-ha-nuhnd)
Adharshana (ad-har-SHA-na)
Zafeera (zuh-FEER-uh)