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Maniyan Nicknames - Nicknames for Maniyan

Maniyan nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Maniyan Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Maniyan include: Manny, Maniy, Manu, and Mani.

Used for
typically used as a boy's name

Maniyan Name Details

Learn more about the name Maniyan including its meaning, history, and more.

Almab (al-mab)
Rithika (ri-thi-ka)
Jharna (juhr-nah)
Sehbaa (seh-ba)
Ajanubahu (uh-JAH-noo-BAH-hoo)
Vedanshi (vay-dahn-shee)
Kelsie (KEL-see)
Waseeq (wah-SEEEK)
Champakmala (CHUHM-puhk-MAH-luh)
Iyana (ee-AH-nah)
Godeleva (go-de-LAY-va)
Eeksha (EE-kshah)