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Manideepu Nicknames - Nicknames for Manideepu

Manideepu nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Manideepu Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Manideepu include: Mani, Deep, and Deepu.

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Manideepu Name Details

Learn more about the name Manideepu including its meaning, history, and more.

Raavee (rah-VEE)
Numa (NOO-mah)
Marghoobah (mar-goo-bah)
Amid (uh-MID)
Motana (moh-tah-nah)
Banke (BAN-keh)
Hidsan (hi-dsan)
Abah (AH-bah)
Satwaki (suh-tuh-wah-kee)
Husniya (hooz-nee-yah)
Shreeputra (shree-poo-tra)
Sampreeta (sam-PREE-ta)