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Lleu Nicknames - Nicknames for Lleu

Lleu nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Lleu Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Lleu include: Lleu-Lleu.

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Lleu Name Details

Learn more about the name Lleu including its meaning, history, and more.

Denis (deh-NEES)
Manaswini (muh-nuh-SWEE-nee)
Pappy (PA-pee)
Iditri (EE-dee-tree)
Doyu (doh-yoo)
Dyuksha (dyo-ok-sha)
Ekamjot (eh-KAHM-jot)
Devabhuti (deh-vuh-BOO-tee)
Bhargva (bhar-guh-vah)
Danam (DAH-nam)
Bhoopen (BOO-pen)
Abhijaya (AHB-ee-jai-uh)