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Leenata Nicknames - Nicknames for Leenata

Leenata nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Leenata Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Leenata include: Lena, Leena, Leen, Leeni, and Nata.

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Leenata Name Details

Learn more about the name Leenata including its meaning, history, and more.

Goda (GOH-dah)
Khadidja (KHAH-dee-jah)
Rathiya (rah-thee-yah)
Tames (TAYMZ)
Martin (mahr-tin)
Vashara (vah-shah-rah)
Vallaree (vahl-uh-ree)
Naajy (NAA-jee)
Hemakandala (heh-mah-KAN-dah-lah)
Jaishankar (jay-SHAN-kar)
Czaee (chah-zai)
Astamurti (AH-stah-MOOR-tee)