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Laskmibanta Nicknames - Nicknames for Laskmibanta

Laskmibanta nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Laskmibanta Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Laskmibanta include: Banta, Lasko, Laska, and Laski.

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Laskmibanta Name Details

Learn more about the name Laskmibanta including its meaning, history, and more.

Bhavitha (buh-VEE-thuh)
Rudrani (rood-RAH-nee)
Izraq (ihz-RAHK)
Huhu (Hoo-hoo)
Kimmy (KIM-ee)
Devasisu (De-va-see-soo)
Ratnakara (raht-nuh-KAH-ruh)
Tavees (tuh-VEEZ)
Chik (CH-ih-k)
Kaakal (KAH-kahl)
Oriol (oh-ree-ohl)
Zidan (ZEE-dahn)