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Kumaravel Nicknames - Nicknames for Kumaravel

Kumaravel nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Kumaravel Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Kumaravel include: Veli, Kumaru, Velu, Velo, Ravel, Kumar, Kuma, and Ravi.

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Kumaravel Name Details

Learn more about the name Kumaravel including its meaning, history, and more.

Stasia (STAY-shuh)
Cecep (CHEH-chep)
Vallimayil (Va-li-ma-yil)
Nalak (NAH-lak)
Ramamohan (rah-mah-moe-hahn)
Ravishu (rah-vee-shoo)
Lalasa (lah-LAH-sah)
Satinath (sa-ti-nath)
Inderveer (in-der-veer)
Urmiya (oor-MEE-yah)
Liddy (LID-ee)
Willson (WIL-sən)