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Krishnakumari Nicknames - Nicknames for Krishnakumari

Krishnakumari nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Krishnakumari Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Krishnakumari include: Kumaru, Krishu, Kiki, Kumari, Krish, Krishka, Kuku, Rishi, and Krishna.

Used for
mainly used for girls

Krishnakumari Name Details

Learn more about the name Krishnakumari including its meaning, history, and more.

Sharadvat (SHAH-ruhd-vaht)
Farhatullah (fur-HA-tul-lah)
Shazaf (sha-ZAF)
Mamnoon (mam-NOON)
Jap (jahp)
Deeptikana (deep-tee-kah-nah)
Akhund (ah-KHOOND)
Harsha (HAR-shah)
Gaila (GEY-lah)
Margaret (MAR-gret)
Deebe (dee-bee)
Lavone (luh-VOHN)