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Kishwar Nicknames - Nicknames for Kishwar

Kishwar nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Kishwar Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Kishwar include: Kishi, War, Wari, and Kish.

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Kishwar Name Details

Learn more about the name Kishwar including its meaning, history, and more.

Leaqat (Lee-ah-qat)
Devadutt (de-va-dutt)
Dabeeb (duh-beeb)
Roberts (ROH-burts)
Carmin (KAR-min)
Aazin (AH-zin)
Chandrashekhar (CHUHN-druh-sheh-kuhr)
Ekisa (eh-kee-sah)
Rajneesh (rahj-neesh)
Thombre (thom-bray)
Roshen (roh-shen)
Yalqoot (YAL-koot)