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Kaneez Nicknames - Nicknames for Kaneez

Kaneez nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Kaneez Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Kaneez include: Kani, Kano, Nezzy, and Neezi.

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Kaneez Name Details

Learn more about the name Kaneez including its meaning, history, and more.

Nitya (NI-tee-uh)
Aboil (Uh-boil)
Sushesh (soo-shesh)
Aishaanya (eye-SHAHN-yah)
Adooh (A-doo)
Lovely (LUHV-lee)
Padmabandhu (puhd-muh-BUHNDH-hoo)
Sathyapriya (sah-thya-pree-ya)
Shyamali (shy-uh-MAH-lee)
Losindah (loh-SIN-dah)
Dasoor (duh-soor)
Baptist (BAP-tist)