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Jaswitha Nicknames - Nicknames for Jaswitha

Jaswitha nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Jaswitha Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Jaswitha include: Switha, Jithu, Witha, Jazzy, Jassy, Jas, Jitha, and Jita.

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Jaswitha Name Details

Learn more about the name Jaswitha including its meaning, history, and more.

Adalvallan (AD-al-va-lan)
Saqafah (sah-kah-fah)
Madhurank (mah-doo-rank)
Harikesa (HA-ree-KAY-shah)
Baaligh (BA-lee)
Britaney (bri-TAY-nee)
Sujitha (soo-JEE-tha)
Magnar (MAHG-nahr)
Alaynna (uh-LAY-nuh)
Kusumaa (koo-SOO-mah)
Mudrab (moo-drahb)
Likhil (LEE-khil)