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Jalis Nicknames - Nicknames for Jalis

Jalis nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Jalis Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Jalis include: Sali, Lissy, Ali, Java, and Jali.

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Jalis Name Details

Learn more about the name Jalis including its meaning, history, and more.

Imants (ee-mah-nts)
Krishne (krih-shnee)
Anandbhairavi (ah-nahnd-bye-rah-vee)
Gurbar (GUR-bar)
Disha (DEE-sha)
Avarnaa (uh-VAHR-nah)
Deppendu (deh-pen-doo)
Jurrat (jur-aht)
Rajeswara (rah-jay-swa-rah)
Fawzi (fahz-ee)
Gaevani (gah-VAH-nee)
Qamees (kuh-MEES)