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Ishtiqal Nicknames - Nicknames for Ishtiqal

Ishtiqal nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Ishtiqal Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Ishtiqal include: Ishi, Tiki, Tiku, Ishq, Ishu, Tali, and Ish.

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Ishtiqal Name Details

Learn more about the name Ishtiqal including its meaning, history, and more.

Kalhara (kuhl-HAH-ruh)
Patitapavana (puh-tee-tuh-puh-vuh-nuh)
Ray (ray)
Yashawanthi (yah-sha-wan-thee)
Zohak (zo-hak)
Kuldeepa (kool-DEE-pah)
Weejida (Wee-jee-dah)
Gitesh (gi-tesh)
Arifin (uh-REE-fin)
Inbsaat (Inb-saat)
Madanapal (mah-dah-nah-pahl)
Basel (ba-ZEL)