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Ifran Nicknames - Nicknames for Ifran

Ifran nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Ifran Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Ifran include: Irfu, Irfi, Iffy, and Iffi.

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Ifran Name Details

Learn more about the name Ifran including its meaning, history, and more.

Aksobhya (Ahk-soh-byah)
Mouminin (moo-mi-neen)
Rased (RAYZ-d)
Tushnimsila (toosh-nim-see-lah)
Selvarani (sehl-vah-RAH-nee)
Jeiya (JAY-ah)
Aroub (uh-ROOB)
Emese (EH-mehr-sheh)
Neelkamala (NEEL-kah-muh-lah)
Anangee (ah-nahn-gee)
Maanal (mah-NAHL)
Kulthoom (kool-thoom)