Hitendra Nicknames - Nicknames for Hitendra

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Hitendra Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Hitendra include: Hit, Hitti, Teddy, Hitts, Hittie, Drey, Hitz, Tenny, Hittu, and Dre.

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Hitendra Name Details

Learn more about the name Hitendra including its meaning, history, and more.

Luzir (LOO-zeer)
Shaariq (SHAA-reek)
Ullaasinee (oo-lah-see-nee)
Maheshwari (maa-heh-shwah-ree)
Jaaved (jah-VEED)
Fayrooz (FAY-rooz)
Talaq (tah-LAK)
Vaikundavasan (vey-koon-duh-vuh-suhn)
Aurav (uh-rahv)
Winslow (WINZ-lo)
Acaryanandana (uh-CHUH-ree-uh-NAN-duh-nuh)
Artakh (ahr-tahk)