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Halam Nicknames - Nicknames for Halam

Halam nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Halam Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Halam include: Hally, Hal, Halie, Mimi, and Alma.

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Halam Name Details

Learn more about the name Halam including its meaning, history, and more.

Charudatta (cha-roo-DAH-tah)
Jayvonn (JAY-vahn)
Esperanca (es-peh-RAHN-kah)
Sohni (SOH-nee)
Deepaansh (DEEP-ahnsh)
Muniraja (moo-nee-RAH-jah)
Almyra (ahl-MY-rah)
Vanmathi (vahn-MAH-thee)
Rivka (RIHV-kah)
Jaza (jah-ZAH)
Sameel (suh-MEEL)
Indumauli (in-doo-mow-lee)