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Haffia Nicknames - Nicknames for Haffia

Haffia nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Haffia Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Haffia include: Hafi, Fia, and Haffi.

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Haffia Name Details

Learn more about the name Haffia including its meaning, history, and more.

Nirban (neer-bawn)
Bhanumitra (bha-nu-mi-tra)
Karungurali (kaa-run-guu-raa-lee)
Jessye (JESS-ee)
Bariq (buh-reek)
Durvank (dur-VAHNK)
Tunb (tuhnb)
Suhayma (soo-HAY-ma)
Anilaabh (uh-nee-lahbh)
Mastoureh (mas-TOO-reh)
Frewin (FREE-win)
Dyan (DYE-uhn)