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Habban Nicknames - Nicknames for Habban

Habban nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Habban Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Habban include: Habbster, Hanni, Habby, Habby-boy, Habs, and Banny.

Used for
this name is typically used for boys.

Habban Name Details

Learn more about the name Habban including its meaning, history, and more.

Malisa (muh-LEE-suh)
Dastgeer (dahst-geer)
Wystan (WISS-tən)
Sonia (SOH-nee-É™)
Anantharaman (uh-NAHN-thruh-muhn)
Gangesh (gan-ge-sh)
Sultaana (suhl-TAA-nuh)
Salabit (sah-luh-bit)
Labonita (luh-boh-NEE-tuh)
Pindar (PIN-der)
Vidwath (vid-wath)
Khullat (koo-laat)