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Habbal Nicknames - Nicknames for Habbal

Habbal nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Habbal Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Habbal include: Bal, Bill, Haby, Habs, and Habby.

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Habbal Name Details

Learn more about the name Habbal including its meaning, history, and more.

Palomi (puh-loh-mee)
Bernice (ber-nees)
Ganendra (guh-nen-druh)
Lea (LEE-uh)
Abhinatha (ah-bee-NAH-tha)
Viragini (vee-rah-gee-nee)
Khurshid (koor-SHEED)
Nakhudaa (Nah-khoo-daa)
Krishnakumar (krihsh-nah-koo-mahr)
Agrajeeta (uh-gruh-jee-tuh)
Yastika (yuh-STEE-kuh)
Akshansh (uhk-shawnsh)