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Ginnifer Nicknames - Nicknames for Ginnifer

Ginnifer nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Ginnifer Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Ginnifer include: Niffy, Jennifer, Nifer, Ginny, and Gigi.

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Ginnifer Name Details

Learn more about the name Ginnifer including its meaning, history, and more.

Pathana (pah-THAH-nah)
Hesin (Heh-sin)
Devana (deh-VAH-nah)
Naseeh (nuh-see)
Padmavathi (pahd-ma-VAH-thee)
Alghaaia (Al-GAH-ee-uh)
Melanie (mÉ™-LAH-nee)
Toya (TOY-ah)
Gopa (GOH-pa)
Ghrtapas (guh-ruh-tuh-pus)
Ananyaja (uh-nun-yuh-juh)
Jannae (jah-NAY)