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Gambhir Nicknames - Nicknames for Gambhir

Gambhir nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Gambhir Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Gambhir include: Gams, Gambi-Gamb, Gamy, G-Man, Gambi, Gambino, and G-Bear.

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Gambhir Name Details

Learn more about the name Gambhir including its meaning, history, and more.

Raghuram (RAH-goo-ram)
Qanhah (KAN-hah)
Phagun (pah-GOON)
Sabzwari (sahbz-wah-ree)
Glennda (GLEN-dah)
Abood (uh-BOOD)
Ahaladit (Ah-hah-lah-dit)
Manvinder (mahn-VEEN-der)
Nachum (NAH-khoom)
Zala (zah-lah)
Karishma (kah-rish-mah)
Poyyamoli (poy-ya-moh-lee)