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Galata Nicknames - Nicknames for Galata

Galata nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Galata Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Galata include: Atlag, and Galzy.

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Galata Name Details

Learn more about the name Galata including its meaning, history, and more.

Nanthan (NAN-thun)
Yekaveer (Ye-ka-veer)
Ghimoos (ghee-moos)
Urugay (oo-roo-gwahy)
Diya (DEE-uh)
Munsif (mun-seef)
Moly (Mow-lee)
Vansheedhar (van-shee-dar)
Subinay (soo-BIN-ay)
Futuh (foo-tooh)
Rachyl (RAY-chuhl)
Palang (pah-LANG)