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Feraasat Nicknames - Nicknames for Feraasat

Feraasat nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Feraasat Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Feraasat include: Feraa, Feru, Ferat, Fera, and Feras.

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Feraasat Name Details

Learn more about the name Feraasat including its meaning, history, and more.

Kafil (kah-FEEL)
Tudor (TOO-dər)
Narang (NAH-rang)
Ekansha (e-KUNSH-uh)
Imtisaal (im-tee-saal)
Livia (LIH-vee-ah)
Safeerah (sah-FEE-rah)
Sikandar (si-KAN-der)
Dhruvatara (dhrū-va-ta-ra)
Halabhrt (hah-luh-burt)
Akashara (uh-KAH-shah-ruh)
Ramyadevi (Rah-mya-day-vee)