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Fenton Nicknames - Nicknames for Fenton

Fenton nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Fenton Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Fenton include: Fenny, Fentster, Fen, Fentie, and Fent.

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Fenton Name Details

Learn more about the name Fenton including its meaning, history, and more.

Nadba (NAHD-buh)
Udiramalara (oo-dee-rah-mah-lah-rah)
Harikesh (ha-ree-kesh)
Mubasher (moo-BAH-shur)
Sherman (SHUR-mən)
Hamaaenah (hah-mah-EE-nah)
Lahban (lah-bahn)
Atambhu (uh-tahm-boo)
Rodger (RAH-jər)
Wania (WAH-nee-uh)
Sankavai (sahn-kah-vy)
Suhrab (soo-RAHB)