Faustino Nicknames - Nicknames for Faustino

Faustino nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Faustino Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Faustino include: Fausto.

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Faustino Name Details

Learn more about the name Faustino including its meaning, history, and more.

Gaganjyot (Guh-guhn-jyot)
Shura (SHOO-rah)
Naamin (NAH-meen)
Chehrazad (sheh-rah-ZAHD)
Shantimay (shahn-tee-may)
Abnose (ab-NOHZ)
Amalendu (ah-mah-len-doo)
Hamees (hah-MEEZ)
Miksar (mik-sar)
Sholia (sho-lee-uh)
Devanee (dÉ™-VAH-nee)
Orlando (ohr-LAN-do)