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Farhi Nicknames - Nicknames for Farhi

Farhi nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Farhi Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Farhi include: Fifi, Fari, Fara, Faru, and Far.

Used for
both boys and girls

Farhi Name Details

Learn more about the name Farhi including its meaning, history, and more.

Varesh (vuh-RESH)
Yorick (YO-rik)
Mohin (MOH-in)
Ruwaida (roo-WAEE-dah)
Bonduca (bon-DOO-kah)
Brihadeesh (bree-huh-deesh)
Touqad (TOO-kad)
Madhaveshta (mad-hah-veh-shtah)
Aeedah (AY-Dah)
Sila (see-la)
Kaumudi (kow-moo-dee)
Indiraraman (in-dee-rah-ruh-mahn)