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Elumalai Nicknames - Nicknames for Elumalai

Elumalai nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Elumalai Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Elumalai include: Elmo, Mali, Ellie, Luma, and Elu.

Used for
elumalai is primarily used as a masculine name in south india, particularly among the tamil-speaking population.

Elumalai Name Details

Learn more about the name Elumalai including its meaning, history, and more.

Finnur (FIN-nur)
Usha (OO-sha)
Atul (ah-TOOL)
Lalithakumari (laa-lee-thuh-koo-muh-ree)
Lev (LEV)
Hayi (hah-yee)
Tapodyuti (tuh-poh-dyoo-tee)
Ellmera (EL-may-rah)
Faqum (Fah-kum)
Sukusuma (soo-koo-SOO-mah)
Soumil (soo-meel)
Navadurga (nuh-vuh-dur-guh)