Elleni Nicknames - Nicknames for Elleni

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Elleni Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Elleni include: Elly, Elen, Neni, Ella, Lena, Leni, Enni, Elle, Elli, and Lene.

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Elleni Name Details

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Adbuss (əd-buhs)
Ketav (keh-tahv)
Ucita (oo-SEE-ta)
Tamdin (TAM-din)
Sonja (son-yah)
Saania (sah-nee-uh)
Mittul (MIT-ul)
Odell (oh-DELL)
Nigarinah (Nee-gaa-ri-nah)
Sumer (soo-mer)
Lucie (LOO-tsee-eh)
Anice (uh-nees)