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Dorri Nicknames - Nicknames for Dorri

Dorri nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Dorri Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Dorri include: Dodo, Dori, Dor, and Riri.

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Dorri Name Details

Learn more about the name Dorri including its meaning, history, and more.

Arki (ahr-kee)
Lehak (leh-hak)
Teesta (TEE-stah)
Mrugan (m-roo-gahn)
Misam (mee-SAHM)
Cecellia (suh-SEL-ee-uh)
Ranaa (RA-nah)
Saarik (SAH-rik)
Candice (KAN-dis)
Cakranemi (CHAH-kra-ne-mee)
Muji (Moo-jee)
Dharmang (dahr-mahng)