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Devaughn Nicknames - Nicknames for Devaughn

Devaughn nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Devaughn Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Devaughn include: Devy, Vaughny, Vee, Devin, Dev, Dee, Devo, and Davie.

Used for
devaughn is typically used as a masculine given name.

Devaughn Name Details

Learn more about the name Devaughn including its meaning, history, and more.

Ankush (uhn-koosh)
Himanjay (hee-mahn-jay)
Shivcharanjit (shiv-cha-ran-jit)
Devabhraj (deh-vuh-bhra-j)
Subarnarekha (soo-bar-nuh-ray-kuh)
Waafer (WAY-fer)
Brahan (BRAY-han)
Kaanbeh (KAAN-bey)
Khashif (kha-SHEEF)
Ibtihaj (ib-tih-HAHDJH)
Ulhasa (ool-ha-sa)
Shreyas (SHRAY-as)