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Devaratha Nicknames - Nicknames for Devaratha

Devaratha nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Devaratha Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Devaratha include: Varu, Devi, Rathi, DeviRat, Rat, and Devu.

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Devaratha Name Details

Learn more about the name Devaratha including its meaning, history, and more.

Namroop (NAM-roop)
Camundi (kuh-MUHN-dee)
Gandhik (gan-dik)
Candogra (chan-do-grah)
Indermohan (in-der-moh-hahn)
Naksh (NAHK-sh)
Pau (pow)
Darrell (duh-REL)
Hukam (HOO-kum)
Shantan (shahn-TAHN)
Satwaki (suh-tuh-wah-kee)
Marco (MAR-koh)