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Deva Nicknames - Nicknames for Deva

Deva nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Deva Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Deva include: Devi, Devo, Devvie, Vinnie, Devy, D-dawg, Deedee, D, and Dev.

Used for
both boys and girls

Deva Name Details

Learn more about the name Deva including its meaning, history, and more.

Adriane (AY-dree-un)
Nikhalas (nih-KAH-las)
Cherry (CHEH-ree)
Saraii (suh-rah-ee)
Muzafar (moo-zah-far)
Imad (ih-MAHD)
Shyambabu (shyaam-ba-boo)
Buddhapriya (boo-duh-pree-yuh)
Anshumita (ahn-shoo-MEE-tah)
Adakavalli (ah-dah-kah-vahl-lee)
Keifer (KIE-fer)
Adeola (ah-deh-OH-lah)