Dedar Nicknames - Nicknames for Dedar

Dedar nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Dedar Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Dedar include: Dedo, Dedoey, Deds, Dedie, Dedsy, and Dedi.

Used for

Dedar Name Details

Learn more about the name Dedar including its meaning, history, and more.

Narun (NAH-roon)
Theda (THEE-dah)
Amitjyoti (ah-mit-jyoh-tee)
Chakravati (chuhk-ruh-VAH-tee)
Pavlo (PAH-vlo)
Amodin (AH-moh-din)
Balanika (bah-lah-nee-kah)
Wasiya (wah-SEE-yah)
Shannia (shuh-NEE-uh)
Gohertaab (go-her-taab)
Warih (wah-ree)
Durriyah (doo-ree-yah)