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Debajyoti Nicknames - Nicknames for Debajyoti

Debajyoti nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Debajyoti Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Debajyoti include: Deba, Debu, Debo, Jyo, and Jyoti.

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Debajyoti Name Details

Learn more about the name Debajyoti including its meaning, history, and more.

Ray (ray)
Zumt (Zuhmt)
Nazilla (na-ZEE-lah)
Mahabala (ma-ha-BA-la)
Elba (EL-bah)
Bhabesa (bha-be-sa)
Nityasree (ni-tya-sree)
Sambudhi (sam-BOO-dee)
Derkhshaandah (Derk-sha-an-dah)
Shanaas (sha-NAHZ)
Qahhar (kah-har)
Zulema (zoo-LEH-mah)