Dattatreya Nicknames - Nicknames for Dattatreya

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Dattatreya Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Dattatreya include: Tatra, Datu, Reya, Dattu, Datta, and Trey.

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Dattatreya Name Details

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Saramay (suh-ruh-may)
Nasia (NAH-zee-uh)
Niyaaz (nee-yahz)
Jyotikiran (jyo-tee-kee-run)
Sritan (sree-tan)
Aghid (AH-geed)
Qasaam (kuh-SAHM)
Antaresh (ahn-TAH-resh)
Archer (ahr-chur)
Vetasini (veh-tah-see-nee)
Komalanga (koh-mah-lahn-gah)
Fellah (fuh-LAH)