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Cellina Nicknames - Nicknames for Cellina

Cellina nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Cellina Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Cellina include: Celly, Celi, Lina, Cina, and Cece.

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Cellina Name Details

Learn more about the name Cellina including its meaning, history, and more.

Dat (DAHT)
Agathiyan (ah-gah-THEE-yahn)
Subang (soo-bahng)
Tazmikh (TAZ-mikh)
Shobhan (sho-bahn)
Tasbeeh (Tas-beeh)
Fari (FAH-ree)
Avaninder (uh-vuh-neen-der)
Usamah (oo-SAH-mah)
Maruteesh (ma-roo-teesh)
Zanoon (zah-noon)
Zorah (zo-rah)