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Catharine Nicknames - Nicknames for Catharine

Catharine nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Catharine Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Catharine include: Cat, Cathybear, Rine, Catie, Cathy, Cate, Cattie, Cathybug, Rin, Cath, and Rina.

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Catharine Name Details

Learn more about the name Catharine including its meaning, history, and more.

Amprithu (ahm-pri-thoo)
Swaminath (swah-mi-nath)
Naraka (Nuh-rah-kuh)
Olivie (oh-liv-EE)
Raani (rah-nee)
Aroos (uh-roos)
Amruta (AHM-ru-tah)
Ayu (ah-yoo)
Ugam (oo-guhm)
Javanila (juh-vuh-NEE-luh)
Yousuf (YOO-soof)
Bima (BEE-mah)