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Bulbul Nicknames - Nicknames for Bulbul

Bulbul nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Bulbul Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Bulbul include: BuBu, Bully, Bulba, Buller, and Bullyboo.

Used for
primarily used as a feminine name

Bulbul Name Details

Learn more about the name Bulbul including its meaning, history, and more.

Mylsamy (myl-suh-mee)
Kaushalesh (KOW-shuh-lesh)
Kuvalaya (koo-vah-lay-ah)
Cirjivaka (cheer-jee-vuh-kah)
Siphelele (see-PHEH-leh-leh)
Qausia (KAW-shee-uh)
Waaqi (wah-kee)
Soogoor (SOO-goor)
Tomara (toh-MAH-rah)
Nikkii (nih-kee)
Komesh (koh-mesh)
Satwik (SAHT-wik)