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Britten Nicknames - Nicknames for Britten

Britten nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Britten Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Britten include: Brie, Ren, Britty, Brittz, Britt, Benny, Bri, and Brit.

Used for
both boys and girls

Britten Name Details

Learn more about the name Britten including its meaning, history, and more.

Jazzmine (JAZ-min)
Altehash (ahl-teh-hash)
Nazesh (nuh-zesh)
Hemaraj (he-ma-raj)
Asmia (as-MEE-uh)
Saudamini (saw-da-mee-nee)
Mahamani (MAH-hah-MAH-nee)
Khankhaanan (khan-KHAH-nahn)
Ainu (AH-ee-noo)
Vibindu (vi-BIN-doo)
Pranihita (prah-nee-HEE-ta)
Mishel (mee-SHEL)