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Bodha Nicknames - Nicknames for Bodha

Bodha nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Bodha Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Bodha include: Bodz, Dha, Bobo, Bodz, Bo, Bods, Dee, Boddy, Bozzy, and Dhi.

Used for
both boys and girls

Bodha Name Details

Learn more about the name Bodha including its meaning, history, and more.

Dhavalchandra (dha-VAL-chan-dra)
Jaishna (JAYSH-nah)
Tulsidaas (tool-see-dahs)
Udbhas (ood-bhuhss)
Matt (mat)
Hiti (hee-tee)
Reyah (REY-ah)
Irati (ee-RAH-tee)
Berwyn (BUR-win)
Zenia (zee-nee-uh)
Gokulananad (go-koo-luh-nuh-naad)
Ahidhar (Ah-hid-har)