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Bidula Nicknames - Nicknames for Bidula

Bidula nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Bidula Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Bidula include: Bidi, Bidz, Bidu, Dula, and Bibi.

Used for
could be used for both boys and girls

Bidula Name Details

Learn more about the name Bidula including its meaning, history, and more.

Bhasha (BHAH-sha)
Shivraj (sheev-rahj)
Trishikh (tri-shee-kh)
Anupam (ah-noo-puhm)
Dwani (DWAW-nee)
Yugaavaha (yoo-gaah-vaha)
Swara (SWAH-ruh)
Tapodyuti (tuh-poh-dyoo-tee)
Adibaa (AH-dee-BAA)
Irvine (UR-vin)
Brittnie (BRIT-nee)
Mangalavalli (mang-a-la-vall-ee)