Bhudar Nicknames - Nicknames for Bhudar

Bhudar nicknames may be be something you want to learn more about, and we want to help with that.

Bhudar Nicknames

Nicknames for the name Bhudar include: Bud, Buddy, Dare, Bhu, Bhudy, and Bhuda.

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Bhudar Name Details

Learn more about the name Bhudar including its meaning, history, and more.

Kaan (KAHN)
Omaja (oh-MAH-jah)
Tathaghat (tah-tha-ghat)
Salahuddeen (sah-lah-hoo-deen)
Matair (ma-TAYR)
Vandi (VAN-dee)
Deenadayalan (dee-nuh-dye-ah-lahn)
Putali (poo-TAH-lee)
Pau (pow)
Trinabh (Tree-nahbh)
Husanah (hu-sa-NAH)
Aliyy (AH-lee)